CPD: This means nothing to me – Oh, Vienna

2nd June 2014

What is CPD and why should it mean everything to you?

To become 'Chartered', auctioneers and valuers need to be members of, and pass a qualification with the RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. This is the benchmark by which all auctioneers and valuers should be measured, as they have to record a minimum of 20 hours of CPD - or continued professional development as its also known - every year.

Their membership is part of a lifelong learning program that keeps your chartered auctioneer and valuer up to date and able to provide the highest standards of professional service.

Colin Young MRICS FNAVA ASFAV, and William Gregory MRICS were in Vienna during a recent valuation instruction. Whilst there, they took the opportunity to spend some time maintaining their own RICS membership. Watch it online to see why you should insist on the best!


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