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Dr Westin joined the payroll just part-time on the 1st April 2019 with a signing-on fee of £30,000.
With an ever-increasing administration burden the government doubled his hours in April 2022.
On the 1st April 2024 a well-meaning Hunt called Jeremy gave him a more than Conservative pay increase of £50,000.
It is no coincidence that Red Rachel Reeves (aka. R3) has the same abbreviation as the trade association for the UK's insolvency and restructuring professionals (aka. R3).
On the 1st April 2025 she gave Dr Westin yet another £50,000 additional salary.
We expect there to be a considerable amount of new instructions from Insolvency Practitioners as this decision will ensure that even more small businesses will fail in the coming year.
All enquiries to Colin Young for access to our consultant.