Lot 21
An Original Josef Raffin street organ
Sold: £5,500
From the traditional fine instruments from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through to tribal items, guitars, modern trumpets and piano accordions we can find buyers for and sell a huge range of items.
Violins and cellos have been the biggest selling items for a number of years. £11,000 was paid by a Canadian collector for a cello in Lincoln ably backed up by the £4000 paid for a violin from the same home. £2800 was paid for a Gilbert example in Bourne and Grantham has a venerable back catalogue of four-figure sales.
Bows do well too; an American bid of £1800 landed a recent fine example.
We cater for every budget and sell a range of lower level items with the same level of success. A dispersal at Grantham of a brass band produced pleasing prices but compared to buying a new item it is often good value to purchase from auction better quality pieces for less.
Modern guitars prove popular too again with notable results. However, it is crucial to make sure these guitars are legal to sell due to Brazilian rosewood being used in many makes.
Our musical range includes the obvious violins and cellos but also regular selections of brass: trumpets, cornets, trombones and so on, piano accordions and drum kits are also popular; we sell bagpipes with great aplomb with £1000 and £220 landing two examples, the range is diverse.